All about the slow garagebuild of a chopper, with simple tools and low buck materials. And now-and-than some other chopper, bobber or vintage stuff.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Did a little job with a photoshop programm on this one. Too bad that the picture is so small. That is because I took it with a little lens and had to zoom in afterwards. But that's also part of the charm that its quality is a bit poor.
Monday, May 21, 2012
In two weeks it's kalla raceday again. The perfect place to take pictures. Took this one last year, but this time I will have my new camera with me, Yiha!!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Going to Ekeberg-veteran-market tonight. See if there are some cool parts, don't need anything right really. A class-mate is coming with an old triumph pre-unit engine in a basket. Could be a cool project for next winter